24 October 2010

don't waste your life.

You will waste the pain that comes from losing your dreams if you refuse to let the disappointment drive you like Ruth to let go of all those hopes and put your whole heart into God’s plan for your life, trusting Him to give you what is best.

If you refuse to do this you will eventually find a way to make your dreams happen for yourself, and miss the only thing that really offers you the peace, joy and security you seek in the first place.

from fabs.


Robson Freire said...

Sonhos Ă© o combustivel que da sentido a existĂȘncia humana,

Poetik said...

this is so beautifully and simply said. so true. losing our dreams may feel like a curse, but can really be a blessing if we reach out to god with the broken pieces of our dream..... i wish i had done this....

wonderful blog!