29 May 2012

creativity for God's glory

From Stephen Altrogge on Desiring God:

Every man, woman, and child is creative. When we create, it pleases God, because He sees us reflecting his image. He sees us “imaging” him to the rest of the world. God loves to see his image shine throughout the world.

But creativity is hard work. It takes work to create a poem or garden or car engine or piece of furniture. It requires killing our laziness and working faithfully over extended periods of time. It requires a willingness to receive criticism with humility. It requires sweat and elbow grease. It requires diligence and faithfulness. It’s easier to not make anything at all. To be a consumer. To suffocate the creative gifts that God has given us.


Syuzie SuperGirls said...

hello, thank you for sharing. I also like to take me on “dates”, today, for example, I will take me for a kayak day.
the subject of your photos are very pleasant to look at. Please tell me, how do you put your copyright mark on the bottom? ( I have a blog too and would like to do it as well) Thank you, keep living your dream for this inspires others to do the same…

strat said...

A joyful response. Have a good day.

cremation az

Tati M. said...

glory to God 4 this thank u

chroniclesofrico said...

Thank your for sharing this. It shimmers with truth. I realize that as Christian artists, we have received our deepest calling and truest natures. God bless you.

TheRogersAdoption said...

Very much enjoying your blog so far! I just found it today.. Its funny you mentioned Stephen Altrogge I am approx .1 miles from his church right now :)